Domain - an alphanumeric name that uniquely identifies a particular website.
DNS - a network service that provides information about domains. Each computer connected to the Internet has a unique IP-address, made up of many numbers that are difficult to memorize. A Domain Name System (DNS) allows you to replace the numbers with a description of your choice, making it easier to find the correct one.
А - a record that binds the hostname to an IP-address where the resource is located.
АААА - a similar record that uses the address of the new Pv6 standard.
CNAME - the canonical name or "alias" that is used to redirect requests from one domain name to another.
MX - a record that points to the IP-address of the mail server of a domain.
NS - indicates the IP-address of the DNS-server for this domain.
TXT - indicates the IP-address that is used by the DNS-server of a domain.
SOA - a parameter that specifies which server stores the reference entry for your domain, stores the contact information and the caching information about the DNS-server interaction.