If you have an NS server that is issued by the hosting provider, a subsidiary or any other type of NS server, you should go to "Domains" section and click on the required domain name
You will see all domain name settings. You have to choose there "NS records" section and save your name servers
After saving the changes, you should wait until they take effect. Information update on main DNS roots may take up to 48 hours.
To configure a DNS in the dapdomains.com panel, go to "Domains"/"DNS" section and click on the domain name.
The system will redirect you to the domain name settings and offer to install NS-servers in the specific field. You'll need to choose the type "NS" then to copy and paste NS-server info into specific lines and push the "Create" button.
After saving the changes, you should wait until they take effect. Information update on all servers may take up to 2 hours.
To create a subsidiary NS-server go to "Domains"/"Name Servers" section and click on "Create nameserver" button
In the window that appears specify the name and IP address.
You can write subsidiary servers for any domain when the changes are saved.
You need to install our NS-servers to configure the A-record in the dapdomains.com panel.
Installing dapdomains.com NS-servers.
Then you have to go to “Domains”/”DNS records” section. After selecting the A-record type, specify the correct IP address in the line that is shown on the screenshot.
You can also specify IP addresses for Subdomain names if necessary. To do that, the Subdomain name should be indicated as prefix in the specific field. If you need to specify only one IP address for all Subdomain names, write "*" symbol in the "Subdomain name" field.
You need to install our NS-servers to configure the MX-record in dapdomains.com.
Installing dapdomains.com NS-servers.
After the A-type record is selected, specify the subdomain name, that the record will use and specify the correct IP-address. Next, when selecting the "MX" type record, specify MX priority for the created domain. As a rule, the following priority values are specified for postal server: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. The closer the value is to 0, the higher its priority is. Mail is processed by a server that has higher priority value. If this server is unavailable, mail will be processed by a server with lower priority.
You need to install our servers to configure the CNAME-record in the dapdomains.com panel.
Installing dapdomains.com NS-servers.
When CNAME-record is selected, specify the domain that will be used to refer to main domain name or the specified Subdomain name.
This error means that you want to write values for subsidiary servers that are not yet created.
To create subsidiary servers, please read the "Creating a subsidiary NS-server" guide.
Please check if domain name is pinging. To do so, write:
ping yourdomain.comin the command line.
If your server sends answers with correct IP-address, the problem is with your hosting provider.
The process of transferring domains between users within one registrar is called Push. If you want to give your domain to other user, the first thing you should do is to unlock domain by clicking on the "Disable Lock" button.
Next you should select one or several domains (1) and click on the "Push" button (2).
And finally you have to write the login of new domain’s owner in the specific line.
After clicking on the "Save" button, you will need to confirm the operation by entering a special PIN-code.
If you want to transfer domains to other registrars, the first thing you should do is to unlock domain name for transfer.
Next you need to receive the EPP code. To get the code, open domain control window by selecting the necessary domain in "Domains" section. After that you’ll receive the EPP code in the specific line.
if you want to transfer .ru domains to other registrars, you will need to get the auth code, You have to check out through which our partner is registered the domain using the link Whois
If it is:
by registrar: ARDIS-RU, to obtain the auth code you must verify domain`s contact according to the instructions. Next, you need to create a ticket with request for a auth code.
by registrar: R01-RU, to obtain the transfer code You need to restore an access on the website of the Registrar r01.ru by entering the domain name here to upload supporting documents in the section “administrators” to write a request for verification on info@r01.ru and after the success checking to generate the auth code in the domain settings.
The transfer of .SU domains or changing the domain`s administrator needs an written application.
The application must be applied personally by the owner in Russian to the Registrar's office Ardis Ltd, or notarized and sent by Russian Post or courier.
The domain transfer application is checking by the Registrar's Employee within 3 working days.
To receive the application form and any additional information please create a ticket in the control panel.
Log in to your account on Directi.com
Go to "Order Management", then select "List of orders".
Click on the settings page for the required domain.
Disable domain protection so you can proceed with the transfer.
Open the "Code for domain transfer".
Copy the code and start the transfer procedure on our site.
Log into dapdomains.com domain control panel.
Go to "Transfer" section
In the window that appears write the domain name and code or use the field for mass domain transfer (separating domain names with comma)
Click on "Proceed"
At checkout, click on "Pay" button to pay for domain transfer and other operations
Select the payment method
Log in to your godaddy.com domain control panel
Click on "Manage" next to "Domains" section.
Click on the domain that you want to transfer.
Click on "Manage" link in the "Lock" section (go to the next step if the status says "Locked: Off"). Uncheck the checkbox in the window that appears and click "OK".
Click on "Email my code" in the "Authorization Code" section on the same page. The password for your domain will be sent to the email that was specified during domain registration.
Copy domain code (for its further activation in our control panel).
Log into dapdomains.com domain control panel.
Go to "Transfer" section
In the window that appears write the domain name and code or use the field for mass domain transfer (separating domain names with comma)
Click on "Proceed"
At checkout, click on "Pay" button to pay for domain transfer and other operations
Select the payment method
Log in to your account on name.com.
Click on the settings page for the required domain
If the domain is blocked for transfer, click «Transfer Lock»
Click on «Show Code»
Copy the code and start the transfer procedure on our site
Log into dapdomains.com domain control panel.
Go to "Transfer" section
In the window that appears write the domain name and code or use the field for mass domain transfer (separating domain names with comma)
Click on "Proceed"
At checkout, click on "Pay" button to pay for domain transfer and other operations
Select the payment method
Login to your control panel domain https://namecheap.com/
In Control Panel, click on the link «Number of domains in your account».
Next to the domain that you want to transfer, check, and click «Edit selected».
Next, click «Registrar Lock» for permission to transfer the domain.
Check the status of the domain. If the Current Lock Status is Locked, put a tick in front of: «Release the registrar lock so that the domain can be transferred to some other registrar» and click «Save changes».
If the status of «" Current Lock: Status "Not Locked"», click below on «Get EPP Code».
In the «Authenticate by entering your account password» enter your password to access the panel Namecheap.com.
If you want, fill out a feedback form and indicate the reason for transfer (optional).
Log into dapdomains.com domain control panel.
Go to "Transfer" section
In the window that appears write the domain name and code or use the field for mass domain transfer (separating domain names with comma)
Click on "Proceed"
At checkout, click on "Pay" button to pay for domain transfer and other operations
Select the payment method
Log in to your account on Domain.com
In the "Domain" section, open the tab "Domain Central"
Go to domain settings
Open the "Transfer" tab, then click "Send Auth-Info code"
Copy the code and start the transfer procedure on our site
Log into dapdomains.com domain control panel.
Go to "Transfer" section
In the window that appears write the domain name and code or use the field for mass domain transfer (separating domain names with comma)
Click on "Proceed"
At checkout, click on "Pay" button to pay for domain transfer and other operations
Select the payment method
Before the transfer you must ensure that all current contact information in the control panel ahnames.com coincide with the contact data of the domain owner. All fields in the contact, including passport details must be filled in.
Log into dapdomains.com domain control panel.
Go to "Transfer" section
In the window that appears write the domain name and code or use the field for mass domain transfer (separating domain names with comma)
Click on "Proceed"
At checkout, click on "Pay" button to pay for domain transfer and other operations
Select the payment method
Then you have to wait for the message with a link to confirm the start of transfer.( This letter You will receive within 1 to 3 days on contact e-mail of the domain owner).
Transfer in .RU zone is payable and does not include the cost of renewal for 1 year.
Applications for transfer are accepted, if prior to the expiration of the domain registration is not less than 8 calendar days.
Check to what address the transfer authorization letter was sent. To do so, open domain control window and select the necessary domain from "Domains" tab. The address to which the transfer authorization letter was sent will be shown in the "Status" field. If you see contact@privacyprotect.org or similar address instead of your email, this means that you have not deactivated the Whois Protect service offered by your current registrar. Deactivate the Whois Protect and wait for 10-15 minutes. Then click on "send FOA again" link
This error means that you didn’t unlock your domain from current registrar. Depending on the registrar, this option may be called differently. If you have trouble finding it, contact the tech support of your current registrar or read the transfer FAQ if your registrar is one of the following:
To purchase an SSL certificate, you should go to the menu of your account and push there "SSL certificates"/"Buy certificate".
Next step is to set up the filters with which the certificates will be sorted.
Select the period for which you want to purchase the certificate and, after reading and agreeing to the terms of use, make an order.
Click on the "Get certificate" button.
To obtain the certificate, you have a few additional steps.
Fill in (or choose the existing) contact details. Then generate the CSR
The next step is to fill in the form for the CSR generation . Click on "Generate CSR" and you will see a new window with CSR data. Copy all information from there and save it in a safe place.
The last step a to validation of the domain. Choose the domain control validation method that suits You:
E-mail. Choose the contact e-mail from the offered list, click on "Issue certificate". Check Your email, within 5-10 minutes You should receive an email with a link to confirm. Go for it. Expect to release of the certificate within, as a rule, 15 minutes.
DNS. Click on the "Issue certificate" button.
Open the certificate`s data and copy CNAME-record from there. This record must be set in your domain DNS-records.
HTTP. Click on the "Issue certificate" button
Open the certificate`s data. Copy the file data and locate it on your site.
HTTPS. Click on the "Issue certificate" button
Open the certificate`s data. Copy the file data and locate it on your site.
Expect to release of the certificate within, as a rule, 15 minutes.
The certificate has been successfully issued.
Click on the "Get certificate" button.
To obtain the certificate, you have a few additional steps.
Fill in (or choose the existing) contact details. Then generate the CSR
The next step is to fill in the form for the CSR generation . Click on "Generate CSR" and you will see a new window with CSR data. Copy all information from there and save it in a safe place.
The last step a to validation of the domain. Choose the domain control validation method that suits You:
E-mail. Choose the contact e-mail from the offered list, click on "Issue certificate". Check Your email, within 5-10 minutes You should receive an email with a link to confirm. Go for it. Expect to release of the certificate within, as a rule, 15 minutes.
DNS. Click on the "Issue certificate" button.
Open the certificate`s data and copy CNAME-record from there. This record must be set in your domain DNS-records.
HTTP. Click on the "Issue certificate" button
Open the certificate`s data. Copy the file data and locate it on your site.
HTTPS. Click on the "Issue certificate" button
Open the certificate`s data. Copy the file data and locate it on your site.
Expect to release of the certificate within, as a rule, 15 minutes.
The certificate has been successfully issued.
The last step a to validation of the domain. Choose the domain control validation method that suits You:
E-mail. Choose the contact e-mail from the offered list, click on "Issue certificate". Check Your email, within 5-10 minutes You should receive an email with a link to confirm. Go for it. Expect to release of the certificate within, as a rule, 15 minutes.
DNS. Click on the "Issue certificate" button.
Open the certificate`s data and copy CNAME-record from there. This record must be set in your domain DNS-records.
HTTP. Click on the "Issue certificate" button
Open the certificate`s data. Copy the file data and locate it on your site.
HTTPS. Click on the "Issue certificate" button
Open the certificate`s data. Copy the file data and locate it on your site.
Expect to release of the certificate within, as a rule, 15 minutes.
The certificate has been successfully issued.
If the type of validation has been chosen incorrectly, you have the opportunity to change it. You must click on the "Change validation" button in the certificate settings.
Choose the type that suits you and do it step-by step.
To start working with server you need to create an account. To do so, when in AHnames panel, expand the "Hosting panel" list and select "Accounts". Click on "Create account" in the window that appears. Fill in the fields, write your name in the window that appears and click on "Save" button in the upper panel.
When account is created, you’ll see a notification indicating successful completion of the operation and account directory will be created in the /home folder.
Use the name of the account as login to login via FTP and SSH. Access to account is limited to all IP addresses by default. This is done to protect your account. You need to indicate IP addresses that may have access to your account. To do so, click on the checkbox near the necessary account and click on "Allowed IPs" in the action bar.
Using the examples described in previous line, indicate the IP addresses that will have access to the account via SSH or FTP, then click "Save" in the top action bar.
Select "Domains" field in the "Hosting Panel" list. Select the necessary parameters from the lists in the window that
appears and click on
"Add domain" button in the action bar.
"Server" and "Account" fields will be filled based on the values you have selected in the previous window.
Write the full name of your domain in "Domain" field. If you need a "www" domain support, check the ""lncluding www"
field. "Path" field is filled automatically
based on domain name. You can specify it yourself if needed. Select domain IP in the "IP" field.
If your resources contain a lot of statistics and you want to reduce the load on server, you can use the nginx — apache pack to proxy some part of requests. To do so, check the "Proxying" box and specify IP addresses that will be used for this action. (at least 2 IP addresses). Select domain backup parameters from the dropdown list. After all the necessary parameters are selected, click on "Save" in the action box.
After successfully adding all domains, they will appear in the list below the action bar. All new domains automatically have our NS records. For a domain to start working on new VPS, you need to set our NS records (ns1.webns.org, ns2.webns.org, ns3.webns.org) in the control panel of your current registrar.
Select "Mail" section in the "Hosting panel" menu of your control panel. To create new mailbox, click on "Create mail" button.
Select the necessary values from "Server" and "Account" dropdown lists.
Specify the mailbox name in the "Address" field.
Set the password for the mailbox in the "Password" field.
If you need redirecting, specify emails in the "Forward to" field. Select the most suitable "action for spam" field.
Fill in the "Auto reply text" if necessary.
Click "Save" after filling all the necessary fields.
Please note that you can create mailboxes for connected domains only.
Use the following pop and smtp parameters to connect mailboxes to mail clients:
mail.connecting.name — server for receiving mail
smtp1.connecting.name — sending mail
In order to avoid unwanted mass newsletters, the mail sending is allowed only via ahnames mail server by default. Access to the port 25 to the other hosts is denied. If this port is required for your services, please, create a ticket with the corresponding request and a description of purpose of usage. After that the port will be open and this restriction will be removed for your VPS.
Select the "DB" field from the "Hosting panel" list. Click on "Create DB" in the action bar.
Select the necessary "Server" and "Account" values from the dropdown lists. Select mysql parameter from the "DB server" list. Create the DB name and password and choose backup settings. Filling "Description" field is not mandatory. Click "Save" after filling all the necessary fields. Database will be created automatically and you’ll see a pop-up notification.
Select "Crons" field from the "Hosting panel" list. The list of created accounts will be available from new window. Select the necessary account and click on "Edit" button.
Write the necessary commands in the "Crontab" field in the "Crontab editing" window then click "Save" in the action bar.
Select "backup settings" from the "Hosting panel" list. A list of all backed up objects will display in the window that opens. You can remove objects from this list if necessary by clicking on "Delete" in the action bar.
Select "backups" from the "Hosting panel" list. Backups for all objects will be displayed in the window that opens. To avoid using too much space for backups, use "Time" and "Disk" columns to see which backup may be deleted. To delete it, click on "Delete" button in the action bar.
To configure the Thunderbird mail client for your mail server, start Thunderbird and click on "Create an account: E-mail"
Then enter the name and connection parameters for the mailbox.
There are no restrictions as to "Your Name" field. This name will be displayed in the correspondence with you.
After this step Thunderbird will try to automatically set up the connection parameters for the mailbox. Kindly decline by clicking Manual Config.
In the Manual Config window set the connection parameters to the server as shown below: mail.connecting.name - incoming mail server; smtp1.connecting.name - outgoing mail server. The full user@domain.com box name must be used as a username.
This completes the setting and user@domain.com box is ready for usage in the Thunderbird client.
To configure the Outlook mail client for your mail server, start Outlook and click on the "File" tab in the main window.
Click on "Add Account"
Click Manually configure server settings or additional server types.
"Internet E-mail" (Connect to POP or IMAP server to send and receive e-mail messages).
In the Internet E-mail Settings window set the connection parameters to the server as shown below: mail.connecting.name - incoming mail server; smtp1.connecting.name - outgoing mail server. The full user@domain.com box name must be used as a username.
If all goes well the following window will appear:
It means you can start using your mailbox in the Outlook client.
To configure the Mail (Mac OS) mail client for your mail server, start Mail and click "Other Mail Account" in the Choose a Mail account provider window.
Then enter your name, e-mail address and password.
In the manual config window set the connection parameters to the server as shown below: mail.connecting.name - incoming mail server; smtp1.connecting.name - outgoing mail server. The full user@domain.com box name must be used as a username.
In the end select "Mail" app that will be used with this account.
This completes the setting, and a user@domain.com box is ready for usage in the Mail client on your MacBook.
In the Control Panel, open the tab "Contact" in the section "Domains". Open the contact you want to verify.
Attach all the relevant pages of the document in good quality.
Expect verification completion. It will be completed within the next 48 hours.
To verify the phone number, please go to the control panel on ahnames.com and navigate to "Domains"(1), then "Contact"(2). Click on your main contact(3).
Make sure that your current phone number is listed. Then, click on the Confirm icon under the inactive telephone number.
In the window that pops up, click "Request Code" . Enter the code you receive on your phone Click "Confirm". If you enter the correct code, the icon next to the phone number will become successfully active (green).
Verification procedure has been completed successfully.
Read more on link: http://icmregistry.com/about/sponsored-community/
Pincode is an additional safety setting for your account’s security. Pincode consists of four randomly generated numbers that will be requested by the system when you need to make changes that can affect the safety of your account.
Carefully read the terms and conditions when activating this option. In case you forget your Pincode, we will have to ask you to send us a photocopy of your ID for verification.
Anyone who delves into domain business a bit deeper than everyone else knows about the existence of the secondary market of domain names. Today this market is full of offers for various likes and tastes, starting with great and expensive domains and ending with trashy names that cost a couple of bucks. Of course, this market couldn’t have stayed ignored by fraudsters who are looking for enrichment possibilities at expense of others.
There are countless auctions and platforms that are protected. But practice shows that many customers disregard the safety rules to speed up the transaction, thus becoming fraud victims. Others don’t even know about the safety rules and because of that trust hackers with their safety and money. While we can’t give you advice on how to overcome greediness and impatience, we highly recommend following few simple rules that will ensure the safety of your domains and money.
Since all of the transactions take place in Internet, it is important to know who you’re dealing with. During the first contact with the seller, find out his nickname and ICQ number at forums. After you have gathered this information, use Google to learn more about seller’s transaction history. It is important to understand that if your seller has a recently created profile and poor transaction history, you probably should not work with him. The old account of this seller may have too many negative reviews from people that he fooled.
It’s funny how many times people buy stolen domains that are claimed by their real owners after the money is already paid. In every case the buyer has no one to blame but himself. Avoiding this type of fraud is simple. The only thing you have to do is ask the seller to upload a confirmation file to the website. This may be a photo or a text document with random content. It is also advised to check if the seller’s information matches the Whois data. If Whois protect is activated, ask the seller to turn it off while you check his personal information.
Since WebMoney transactions have become a usual thing for CIS citizens, the first thing to pay attention to is the BL of seller’s wallet. Think twice or even cancel the transaction if your seller has a low BL level and a certificate that is lower than personal. It is possible that seller’s old wallet has negative reviews, similar to the first rule.
If you are new to domain business and have no experience in purchasing or selling domains, you can use the Escrow service that is a secure third party that ensures the safety of your money. Don’t skimp on few cents that will go to Escrow while risking to lose all the money from your transaction.
When buying a domain your desire to receive it asap is understandable, but it is important to remember that it is not enough to Push the domain to become its rightful owner. Without changing owner’s information you simply get the ability to control the domain. That is why the transmitting party needs to officially transfer the rights to domain using the registrar’s guide. Only after that you’ll become the rightful owner of a domain name.
A coupon is a digital/letter code that can be used for receiving discount for purchasing, transferring or renewing a domain. It can be activated at checkout.
Domain registration is a simple and straightforward procedure that usually doesn’t cause any problems. However, when you fill in the registration data, meaning the personal information of domain owner, you risk becoming a target of spammers who collect this type of information for direct calls and spam newsletters.
We offer Whois Protect option to all our domain zones for security of your personal information. This option hides your personal information and shows Whois Protect information when someone makes a Whois inquiry.
Without WhoisProtectService
John Black
5285 Decarie Boulevard #100
Montreal, qc H3W3C2
+1.5144959001, Fax:+1.5144953105
WhoisProtectService.net PROTECTSERVICE, LTD.
27 Old Gloucester Street
Thanks to email forwarding option people can contact you without knowing your personal email. The mail is redirected from Whois Protect domen@whoisprotectservice.net address to the address you have specified when registering the domain.
Whois Protect option is activated automatically when you register or transfer a domain. Deactivating this service is easy — all you have to do is unchecking the "Whois" checkbox.
To recharge your account please go to the control panel on ahnames.com and navigate to "Finance"(1), then "Recharge account"(2). Enter the amount for example 100 USD(3) and push "Proceed" button(4).
In the window that pops up please choose payment method "Interkassa".
Select the preferred payment system and follow the site's prompts to make a payment.
We accept the following automatic payment methods: InterKassa
Refund of over-transferred funds funds can be returned ONLY to the sender, e.g. the same payment details., to the same details from which the payment was made. The request for a refund is sent through the ticket system of the personal account. The request is processed within 10 working days